So much of what we hear about today is gloom and doom. I decided to create a blog where I and others can come for a little bit of happiness and maybe even truly can be the best medicine. I hope these entries share a smile or two. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ga Ga for Chocolate!

One thing that always makes me happy is CHOCOLATE!! After years of nibbling, sampling, and engorging myself in this delectable dessert from heaven, I feel I am qualified to give a professional opinion on what is the best of the best in the chocolate world (Can I live there, please?).

Best Chocolate bars:
Sorry America, but you just don't cut it. European chocolate is where it's at. Even Carrefour (a french Walmart-type store) has a better store brand than Hershey's. This photo shows a typical chocolate bar aisle in Carrefour's grocery section. Why oh why can't we have this here? There are over 25 different kinds of Lindt bars, which include: pear, peach, and even chili. Lindt is premium chocolate. My very favorite chocolate bar is a white chocolate bar from the Swiss company Frey. It is White Blueberry and you can actually find it at Target!!! (pause for the happy dance). It is even on sale this week for $1.67, and so worth the price.
The best chocolate chips for eating, baking, melting and just about anything you can think of is Guittard, which you can find at any grocery store for around $2.99. These chips are made with cream and a high cocoa butter content. Many professional chefs use this, and I suppose what's good enough for me can be good enough for them.

Other favorite chocolates are Lindor Balls, the milk chocolate with white cream centers are my favorite, but are usually only found during the holidays. Of the boxed chocolates, See's chocolate is the only way to go. My favorite pieces are the Milk Cocoanut and the Strawberry, but who can really stop at just two, they are all soooo delicious.

Our family has had a lot of fun with those overly popular chocolate fountains. I think Paul shows us how chocolate is truly meant to be enjoyed.


Maghann said...

So i totally agree with you about the whole America chocolate verses European. Hershey's really does nothing for me. I don't care for it even when everyone around me is hounding me for Hershey kisses (cuz I am the keeper of the company candy). Sadly i don't eat enough of the amazing chocolate (or maybe that's a good thing) but I think my favorite so far would have to be...the apricot (I don't know the exact name!) chocolate from See's. I got that one with you! Love your extensive knowledge in chocolate..and so many other things.

Leslie Moseley said...

I agree with you that Lindt is yummy chocolate but that's about where it ends. I am an American chocolate lover. I'll take Hershey's and Nestle's over Toblerone any day.

buttercup said...

My favorite is a Galler bar and I didn't even know what I was missing out on till you brought me several. So THANK YOU. My other favorite is Nuit Blanche.

Stizz said...

You don't have to ask me twice to talk about chocolate. :) I love all kinds, but my favorite is dark chocolate, yum. My favorite chocolate dessert these days is that chocolate cake recipe that Patricia gave us. We are actually making it today for a chocolate contest at church tonight (cross your fingers that we win). :)

Stizz said...

Oh, and I would love to try that pear and peach kind of chocolate you mentioned, sounds delish!

Patricia Kay said...

Chocolate literally goes with everything. See's it! Lindt has a white chocolate with small chunks of cocoa in it that I would have to go look up how to spell but it is sooo delish.

Mindy said...

WOW!! I am going to have to try some of that European chocolate from Target!! I want to know what kind of chocolate you use in your fountain?