So much of what we hear about today is gloom and doom. I decided to create a blog where I and others can come for a little bit of happiness and maybe even truly can be the best medicine. I hope these entries share a smile or two. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well, it took me ten weeks, but I'm now up to 25 push ups, 25 situps, and 25 tummy crunches! How do I feel? Hmmm...first part of me feels stronger and ripped...but mostly, just sore. I'm thankful for Bengay, wonderful creation. There are times when I say "Teresa, you goddess, you deserve a break. You have so much to do today, you don't have time anyway. It's okay to miss a day of exercise." And then my more truthful self says "You miss one day, and the whole thing will go to shambles. Get your butt moving and hit the trend mill. Look at those puny arms...give me twenty!" Or should I say "25". ;-)


Migaloo said...

Yes, we are turning into a sitcom couple - goofy looking funny guy with a bit of a gut, and his smoking hot wife.

Maghann said...

Awww Migaloo, your not goofy looking!! Your normal looking with a bit of a gut - be realistic ;). And Teresa - Ow ow!! your so sexy woman!

VJBlair said...

Great job. I remember being in high school and being able to do 40 "man" push-ups, now I can maybe do 15-20 "girl" push-ups. 25 is a great accomplishment.

Migaloo said...

Thanks for having my back, Maghann.

Patricia Kay said...

Wowwy wow wow!! You are my hero. What strength, what an inspiration. You have always been amazingly attractive but now strong too. You give me hope. Keep it up, hottie!

ABranch said...

I am so jealous right now. What an accomplishment! Soon you will have to come to my home and wheel me around for my afternoon walk. Its good to have strong healthy friends.

tink said...

Any time Angie. Just let me know when you need me and I'll be there.

Stizz said...

Way to "coach" yourself. Seeing progress always helps make all the work and smelly Bengay muscle rubs worth it. :) I go to a weight-lifting class at the gym and as I'm struggling to lift my small amount of weight, I look over at the 70+ lady who's lifting more than me to give me motivation, lol.