So much of what we hear about today is gloom and doom. I decided to create a blog where I and others can come for a little bit of happiness and maybe even truly can be the best medicine. I hope these entries share a smile or two. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Word from the Wise

Thanks to my daughter, I came was reminded of a phrase my dad would often say. It's so totally my dad, both the message and the phraseology. I thought I'd share:
"Don't be so narrow-minded that your ears rub together,
and don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out."
~Douglas Kubalek


Unknown said...

I love that!! It made me laugh out loud. What a smart father ;)

Unknown said...

By the way - that was me, Maghann the Magnificent. I didn't know my husband was logged onto his work email account ;)

ABranch said...

Love it! I guess depending on the subject I could fall into either category. :)

Patricia Kay said...

Oh that was a good one. I wish I could remember all of his "words of wisdom". He had some real humdingers.

Stizz said...

Yep, I remember that one...though he didn't use it on me very much because I was pretty much right in the middle, the happy medium...pretty much perfect. ;) JK One I remember he'd use on me a lot, when I was sad or pouting about something, was something like, "You won't even remember this by the time you're married" But he had to come up with a new one once I was married. :) And, love the picture, so cute.