So much of what we hear about today is gloom and doom. I decided to create a blog where I and others can come for a little bit of happiness and maybe even truly can be the best medicine. I hope these entries share a smile or two. Enjoy!
I have met sooo many people here in Utah that have never really taken time to discover the wonders of Salt Lake City. So, I have created a blog to share my finds with the world! It is called: Salt Lake City Gems . I encourage everyone to explore the cities around them, if not SLC than your own home gem.
I walked into the kitchen tonight to see our dog Sophie with her nose pushed up against the screen door. This is what was looking back at her. It seems our neighbors got a new pet ferret, Fiona. I must admit that ferrets freak me out ever since an albino ferret crawled up my bed, under the covers, on my first night at a new home on my mission. I felt something moving and then a big rat-like animal popped its head out right at my nose. I screamed, grabbed it, and threw it across the room. I only felt slightly sorry. It had no business in my bed. It wasn't hurt, which was good, but it never visited my bed again. But to this day ferrets and I have an arm-lengths relationship.
Sniff, sniff. Matthew is officially done with high school and is getting ready for college. Where did all the time go? I was putting together a photo book for him and got all teary eyed looking through the pictures of him as a little boy. Someone once said you never look back and think "I spent too much time with my kids". That person is right. But at least I can cherish the memories and be proud of a great son.
I have been having problems posting blogs and commenting on other's blogs for over a month now. Sorry if you haven't been able to leave comments, etc. You can only by choosing "annonymous" and then it's still a bit tricky. I hope this is resolved soon.