So much of what we hear about today is gloom and doom. I decided to create a blog where I and others can come for a little bit of happiness and maybe even truly can be the best medicine. I hope these entries share a smile or two. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things I Love

For the month of hearts and Valentines, my sister Stephanie had a splendid idea: to list some of the things she loves. I decided to copy her idea and list some of my own. So here goes...

Black currant flavored drinks, especially the British soda Ribena (I get it from London Market), the sparkling cider from Kristian Regale (Smiths and Ikea carry it), and London Fruit and Herb tea (which Ross occassionally stocks). Black currant is sooo tasty and good for you too. I want some right now!

Wax seals! They add style to any correspondence and are so fun to use. I feel lah-de-dah when I sue them, even if I'm in sweats and having a bad hair day. I have several that I've picked up here and there, and some thanks also to my good friend Emily. If I had LOTS of money, I would order several custom made seals from Europe for myself and all of you. The average price for the ones I desire average $600, but one can dream. Some day I want my own seal ring, like the Scarlet Pimpernel.

I totally love the Everlast workout pants Stephanie gave me. They make me feel skinny and athletic - a great combination.

Un Jardin perfume by Hermes of Paris. I got it at a parfumerie in Paris, so it's extra special; and it smells delicious, just like a flower garden. It brings back happy memories when I wear it.
And, not at all the last of my loves, but the last to list today, I truly enjoy my EMU Ridge slippers my hubby gave me several years ago for Christmas. The soles are now coming off, but I hate to give them up. They are so comfy and they fit perfectly to my feet, which is rare with my high arches. I need to find an exact pair.


Maghann said...

I read her post earlier today - I might join in the fun! Love you currant is soooo good :)

Migaloo said...

I also totally love the Everlast workout pants that Stephanie gave Tink. She looks great in them.

Stizz said...

Yeah, you did the post! That soda sound yummy! Black Currant? Yum! Where can I get some? I totally want to try it. I have been trying to find a wax seal for you. I saw one a long time ago and thought about buying it for you, but wasn't sure if it'd be one you'd like, so I didn't buy it. But then I realized I should've but forgot where I saw it. :( I'm glad you (and Paul ;)) like the Everlast pants. I definately want to smell that perfume the next time I see you. I'm sure it's divine. :)

Patricia Kay said...

A good drink, comfy pants and snuggly slippers then to top it off a fresh fragrance while looking la-de-dah with your wax seals. Sounds like a perfect combination to me.